Sunday, June 9, 2013

Post, Post Script: Herocon 2013

It appears the Heroesonline website enjoyed Rorschach as much as I did:

Post Script - Herocon 2013

At 3:00pm or so yesterday (Saturday) Rorschach appeared from the exhibition hall carrying copious bags of Chinese manufactured polypropolyne and announced "my work here is done". I encouraged him to think twice as there would be no do overs. He said "yes" let's head for home and so we did arriving before Mom returned from the river to suprise her and sleep in our own beds. The End.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Look what dropped by to keep me company.....

You meet the nicest young people at Herocon 2013. "No, I did NOT look at that baby".

Time for a Lunch Time Break

Still going strong after a successful morning of drawing/buying/socializing/networking etc.

Good Ol' Boy Interactions....

Gentleman stopped by to see if I could help get his wife get her tablet connected (I did). He told me that numerous Republican conventioneers we're trading their badges for a Herocon wristband when they found out that Herocon was downstairs (true story). PS: Last convention he attended in Charlotte was NRA!

1st Re-appearance of Rorschach this AM

Makes a 5 minute cameo to report huge crowds on the exhibit floor; many Rorschach photo sessions and a quick costume update to collect some books for additional signatures. Having fun, meeting lots of nice artists; overall very, very good vibe.

Did I Mention the Tattoos?

Dalek Tattoo