Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day 2 - It Begins EARLY!

But first a round up of humorous goings on from late yesterday:

  1. A gentleman running for the State Republican Party Chair (previously noted: party convention is occurring simultaneously with Herocon in the same building sharing the same lounge, food service etc.) approached Dylan and me to ask where he came up with his sign (The End is Nigh)? We told him it was from Watchman etc. and briefly explained the plot line and Rorschach's disguise as the street "crazy" hence the sign. He let forth with a big belly laugh and said it was fitting for his event as well.....then moved along.
  2. At Mimosa for dinner last night: Great CA style grill for fish etc. Dylan enjoyed the lobster mac 'n cheese appetizer while I enjoyed the beet salad and short ribs. HOWEVER, the highlight of the evening upon leaving Dylan spied Tim Sayles enjoying a meal with his wife and a group of friends. Dylan says "hi Tim" who immediately recognizes Dylan from today's proceedings and commences an elongated conversation about 1) the convention, 2) his costume, 3) other etc. Dylan is walking on air as we exit the restaurant. Lucky for Dylan as the rest of us were walking in puddles as it was raining (lightly).
  3. Someone stopped Dylan late yesterday and asked (since he didn't have the mask or the hot scarf on at the time) if he was "California Casual" Rorschach? Dylan said "that's right".
  4. As we entered the convention hall this morning, numerous stage whispers from (mostly) elementary school girls - "there's Rorschach". [You would have thought it was the 2nd coming or something.]
Huge crowd this morning early. This is definitely "money day" at Herocon - yesterday and Sunday are just the side show.

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