Sunday, June 9, 2013

Post, Post Script: Herocon 2013

It appears the Heroesonline website enjoyed Rorschach as much as I did:

Post Script - Herocon 2013

At 3:00pm or so yesterday (Saturday) Rorschach appeared from the exhibition hall carrying copious bags of Chinese manufactured polypropolyne and announced "my work here is done". I encouraged him to think twice as there would be no do overs. He said "yes" let's head for home and so we did arriving before Mom returned from the river to suprise her and sleep in our own beds. The End.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Look what dropped by to keep me company.....

You meet the nicest young people at Herocon 2013. "No, I did NOT look at that baby".

Time for a Lunch Time Break

Still going strong after a successful morning of drawing/buying/socializing/networking etc.

Good Ol' Boy Interactions....

Gentleman stopped by to see if I could help get his wife get her tablet connected (I did). He told me that numerous Republican conventioneers we're trading their badges for a Herocon wristband when they found out that Herocon was downstairs (true story). PS: Last convention he attended in Charlotte was NRA!

1st Re-appearance of Rorschach this AM

Makes a 5 minute cameo to report huge crowds on the exhibit floor; many Rorschach photo sessions and a quick costume update to collect some books for additional signatures. Having fun, meeting lots of nice artists; overall very, very good vibe.

Did I Mention the Tattoos?

Dalek Tattoo

Line Update - for those scoring at home...

As I said....Saturday is definitely money day. It's 10:17 and the line IS STILL moving into the convention hall. I have finished my first Starbucks and headed for number 2....

The Line to Enter is Finally Moving.....a Little....

I was going to send "him" a text to ask him why he was standing in line. Then I remembered he wanted to get 6 more books (previously purchased) signed. Guess that makes sense?

Day 2 - It Begins EARLY!

But first a round up of humorous goings on from late yesterday:

  1. A gentleman running for the State Republican Party Chair (previously noted: party convention is occurring simultaneously with Herocon in the same building sharing the same lounge, food service etc.) approached Dylan and me to ask where he came up with his sign (The End is Nigh)? We told him it was from Watchman etc. and briefly explained the plot line and Rorschach's disguise as the street "crazy" hence the sign. He let forth with a big belly laugh and said it was fitting for his event as well.....then moved along.
  2. At Mimosa for dinner last night: Great CA style grill for fish etc. Dylan enjoyed the lobster mac 'n cheese appetizer while I enjoyed the beet salad and short ribs. HOWEVER, the highlight of the evening upon leaving Dylan spied Tim Sayles enjoying a meal with his wife and a group of friends. Dylan says "hi Tim" who immediately recognizes Dylan from today's proceedings and commences an elongated conversation about 1) the convention, 2) his costume, 3) other etc. Dylan is walking on air as we exit the restaurant. Lucky for Dylan as the rest of us were walking in puddles as it was raining (lightly).
  3. Someone stopped Dylan late yesterday and asked (since he didn't have the mask or the hot scarf on at the time) if he was "California Casual" Rorschach? Dylan said "that's right".
  4. As we entered the convention hall this morning, numerous stage whispers from (mostly) elementary school girls - "there's Rorschach". [You would have thought it was the 2nd coming or something.]
Huge crowd this morning early. This is definitely "money day" at Herocon - yesterday and Sunday are just the side show.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Fun links that tell more about the artists....

See the amazing work of Ben Templesmith here. Information about Amanda Conner can be found by going here. Finally, Jack Turnbull has a website you may enjoy by going here. Aside from the obvious benefits of hearing about how they do it Rorschach is working hard on developing effective communication skills so he gets "the rest of the story" - Paul Harvey?

For those keeping score at home....

Yes, it does close this evening - at 7pm. Luckily we're parked close by and the sun is out. Hoping for a dry Saturday.

Documentary Film in the making....

In addition to grabbing some autographs and drawings, Rorschach is busily filming his interviews with the likes of  Tim Sayle (see previous posts), Amanda Conner ("very nice person and a nice husband to boot"), Ben Templesmith ("amazing artist"), Jack Turnbull ("1st comic convention drawing on demand; very talented and friendly"). He'll weave these together and make it twice as interesting as the actual event - you watch.

Sayles Success!

Just returned from a successful signing with Mr. Tim Sayles (he draws Batman). Books signed - check, free drawing - check, conversation - check. Priceless. Thanks Tim. #HeroesCon

Late Lunch then...back to the show

Nothing beats a Charlotte Convention Center personal pepperoni pizza when one needs to re-charge. Just a few minutes at the trough and back to the action. Meanwhile, the Geezer Beat continues upstairs and out of the fray (ahhhhh). Now, if they only had a bar - NOT!

No Sayle!

So Rorschach (as he's now known) returns from an extremely unsuccessful outing at the signature table. It seems "some" folks pay up for the privilege of getting a personal drawing executed on the spot ($200 according to "Rorschach"). Just so happens when "Rorschach" gets back to Mr. Sayles there's one fellow in front of him who has plunked down said $200 meaning the line stops while Mr. Sayles whips out his sharpie and draws for next 30 minutes. Adding insult to injury, Mr. Sayles wife calls on the cell at the end of said 30 minutes and beckons him to lunch - NOW. Color Rorschach just a little frustrated.

Attendance and other Demographics of Interest?.......Really?

But seriously folks. Here it is Friday afternoon with light crowds in the exhibition hall and upstairs in foodville. A light sprinkling of not-too-outrageous cost-play so far. An interesting irony: The state Republican Party is having their annual convention in the same convention center at the same time as Herocon; should make for some interesting candids in the lobby.

First Epiphany - 3:15 PM Friday - Day One

FLASH - There is NO LINE to see and engage with Mr. Tim Sayles. Need I say more?

After Much Ado....

We arrive by 2:00pm after a looooong drive that started somewhere around 7:30 this morning. Rain 1/2 the way, cloudy the rest. 30 miles outside of Charlotte traffic slows to a crawl so we jump off at or near Concord (home of the Charlotte Motor Speedway and YES we did go by it - big!). Made it safely to downtown only to figure out there are a number of buildings we didn't remember and, there's a huge wine and dine street fair blocking some major streets, and we don't quite remember the name of the street the convention center is on and the GPS in the phone is kinda' upside down so we end up making a lot of wrong turns like we're dyslexic or something.......whew. However, we finally make it in the parking garage, Dylan jumps out of the car (with all the gear to go with Rorschach). I'm ready for a bathroom; he's ready to buy tickets and get started. So, after we buy tickets and he gets his costume arranged he's off to who knows where and I'm headed for the can....finally. Oh, and did I mention he didn't make it in the door of the convention center without at least 6 stops for posing for photographers, compliments, proposals, etc., etc.: No wonder this guy wears a costume. More to tell only after some food as I've found my appointed spot near the food and restrooms and away from just about everything else.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

3 Days and Counting

We've decided on the vehicle, the route, the costume, the proposed stops and Dylan has created some playlists. Now all we have to do is snag some sunny weather for the annual road trip to Charlotte; leaving sometime Friday, June 7th.